In its effort to support the government and law enforcement of Curaçao during this time of crisis, the Curaçao Based Fintech company IBIS Management, has pulled its resources and experts together to rapidly design, develop and deploy a mobility control and permit management application. Besides facilitating companies that perform ‘essential’ work during lockdown with their requests and processing of their mobility permit applications, the system makes it possible for the law enforcement team to perform checks on the road using an especially developed Mobile Control App. This system was fully donated by IBIS Management to the government.
The official handover and launch of the application took place during a small ceremony held last week at the offices of the Curaçao Police Corps.
With this significant donation valued at approx. ANG 120.000, IBIS Management wants to continue to inspire others to put their knowledge, expertise and resources to work for betterment of the current crisis and also emphasize the importance of applying technology and innovation to law enforcement.
It was in the early days of this crisis and lockdown that the idea was born. The teams of IBIS Management wished to help our government with its work related to disaster management and control of this pandemic and of course, that help, and innovation, should be through the use of mobile technology.
The vision and idea development department came up with an out-of-the-box solution that would provide little to no direct contact with the public and which also would increase efficiency during permit approval, distribution and at checkpoints on the road.
With that in mind, IBIS Management set out to develop a secure digital system in the practical form of a mobile application, which later was named ‘Kontrol Mobil’.
Kontrol Mobil is an internal mobility app that enables the designated authorities to easily conduct regular permit controls on the roadsides, from a distance, by simply scanning a QR code on the dashboard of the vehicles.
Citizens/companies that are eligible to apply for an exoneration permit will have to send in their application through the official Curaçao calamity website. After the permit application has been evaluated and approved, the applicant will receive an email with a unique QR code that is only valid within the time-slot of the permit period.
This is the result of a successful joint effort and productive collaboration between the government DRR and the development teams of IBIS Management. This marks the beginning of a full-scale initiative to help businesses, organizations and government agencies to expand their abilities through trusted and secure digital platforms.
Now more than ever, organizations worldwide depend on secure online platforms like this, to maintain the balance in their new daily routines while settling into the new normal.
As more businesses are switching to working from home, we stand together during this new reality by providing support and guidance on secure digital transformations. We’ve taken the precautions and measures to ensure that our products and services can continue to be provided, and that is why IBIS Management & Associates has been a trusted and leading developer for bespoke solutions in the Caribbean region for over 20 years.
With this effort we hope to encourage others to join us in taking the necessary steps forward into the modern world, as we continue to provide efficient Homemade solutions.
Feel free to reach out to us if your law-enforcement department can also benefit from such a platform and our dedicated team will be happy to guide you through the digitization process: info@ibis-management.com